Well, definitely the most scenic wedding I've ever shot. The first part of September my assistant Stephanie and I had the privilege of driving to Aspen Colorado to shoot my beautiful cousin, Christy's wedding. We decided not to do it the easy way and fly, no we opted to drive an RV out to Colorado. I really wanted my kids to go and meet some family that we don't get to see much, so they went with me. Bakersfield's fun, but as far as scenery goes--it's a little...well...dry. But Aspen Colorado, hello??? Amazing. The RV aspect of it made it just a fun whole week, with lots of photojournalism involved. Actually I gave my 7 year old daughter a camera to photojournal the behind the scenes shots! She got some great stuff and plenty of not-so-great, unflattering shots that I pray you will never see.
The wedding day was due to have thunderstorms off and on and of course if that had happened the mountain top wedding that was planned would have been derailed. It was an amazing day however as we watched the clouds perfectly make their way around the outskirts of Buttermilk mountain--making the wedding dreams a reality. The scenery was majestic, the bride and groom stunning, and to top it off the chair lift with guests covered in red blankets was crazy fun. All in all, it couldn't have been a more picture perfect wedding. Here's a few shots that I'm not even sure do the day justice, but they were some of my favorites. The
entire wedding can be seen on my website.

After the wedding we really did ride down the mountain on a ski lift. I actually learned to ski on this actual mountain when I was 12, so that brought back some nice memories for me as I remembered trees on which I nearly cracked my skull. Stephanie was quite the trooper on this lift, as she is a little height phobic, but she rose beyond her fears and I think the high is always a little sweeter when it follows sheer terror.

So, would I love to be a world traveling wedding photographer? Absolutely! How does that one begin that, I have no idea. But for now, I love our humble little town and the people that fill it-- however, I would happily rise to the occasion of escaping our 100 degree town to do more destination weddings. But really, it's all an adventure and I wouldn't trade my life for anything.