Got to spend Sunday afternoon with Shay Sorrels from the Biggest Loser Season 8 and we had such a great time. We actually burned quite a few calories as well! Our photoshoot took place at Back Bay Natural Reserve in Newport Beach and we walked a good two miles together. Fortunately I had nice sensible shoes for walking, but Shay broke some cute three inch heels on our walk! She's such a trooper though, finished the walk broken shoes and all! But it was worth it, we saw some great wildflowers and fun scenery there. Shay is one of the most inspiring people you could ever meet, she just shines from the inside out. And from a photography standpoint, she is so naturally photogenic, it's really hard to take a bad picture of her...then you get her laughing and it's a done deal! Love that girl and I am so proud of her. Can't wait to see her at the end of Season 9. Keep an eye out for more images from our fun session together.

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