Well, Lizzie certainly fits the bill as a horse whisperer as far as I'm concerned. She's calm, soft spoken and very in control of that horse. Well, Wanda had apparently had enough for the day. Thank goodness we got some amazing shots before she decided to feel the wind whistling through her mane. Wanda spent much of that day winning awards at the Kern County fair, and apparently wasn't in the mood for much a photoshoot later in the day. Towards the end of our shoot, she decided enough was enough and she took off!! Sometimes I think a photographer's life would make a great reality series. This would have made a hilarious episode. Cool hand Lizzie running through Hart Park, trying to get a handle on Wanda who was wearing no bridle (of course not, the pictures are much prettier without one!). But all's well that ends well and we all had some great laughs to boot. I don't think Lizzie's senior pics would have been nearly as meaningful without her trusted companion Wanda. Thanks for the memories Clantons!

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