I really don't expect this blog will do justice in describing this amazing group of musicians that I had the privelege of photographing in Santa Barbara last Thursday. I've mentioned before that my sister Natanya Marks is booking a musical group called String Theory. Well, I finally had the honor of hearing them and now photographing this group. I'm not capable of the eloquence needed to portray to you what type of experience you will have when you witness their performance. They must have dozens of instruments, ranging from a 30 foot harp to a percussion wall, and it seems that they are all capable of playing all of them! But they don't stop with music, their harpists also do interpretive dance. The ensemble feeling is attained as the dancers float out into the audience to perform as well, so the fourth wall between the audience and musicians is broken and invites the audience to be part of this unique experience. It really was amazing. If you haven't heard of String Theory before, I can guarantee this will not be the last time you hear of them. They will go far, mark my words. You have to experience it for yourself. Check out their website at http://www.stringtheoryproductions.com/ and get on their mailing list to see where they are playing around you. You will not be disappointed!